National Service programme
Posted by -pei chia- | Labels: life | Posted On Friday, March 19, 2010 at 12:12 AM
Suddenly i miss NS life so much. Thinking of the past, i still remember that day the NS web site was so lag, i can't even log in. Im so happy when my friend told me that i didn't get choose. I was happy for around 10 mins. Lol. After that, i tried to check it myself and the monitor screen was showing something like that "Tahniah! Kamu telah dipilih .... "!! Im so shocked to see that and my feeling was so complicated at the moment. Kem Syruz will be my home for the 3 months. I celebrated the new year of 2008 in Kem Syruz. We count down together in the rest room with 8tv. Haha. All the memories are still fresh in my mind. And im really felt glad to be chosen as one of the NS trainees. It's really fun and enjoyable. Dont trust those rumors. =)

Both of us purposely woke up early to prepare. Too excited for the jungle training. Lol. When we reached there, we only noticed it's actually palm oil estate. =D

Hey! Vayshna here! Also a part of CHARLIE - Kem Syruz!! haha.. Do you still remember me? =)
yea yea.. of coz i still rmb u.. ^^