Gathering marathon
Posted by -pei chia- | Labels: outing | Posted On Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at 2:25 AM
A short post will do for this time.
Well, several gatherings are attended by me before all of us further our studies at other places. I did enjoyed alot during the meet up with you girls. Thanks for all of that.

my BFF~♥
Although the planning stage is quite troublesome but we still able to make it.
Friends from NS~*
Too bad another 3 of them couldn't attend our annual gathering. =D

Form 2 classmates~^^
Thanks chia yin for organised this small gathering. I was worried too much at the beginning. But then I'm glad that we still have so much topics to chat and i really felt that the time had turned back to 6 years ago. Miss the moment so much.
1 more photo will be update soon.
[ gathering with my buddiessss]
Please stay tuned. hehe
Wishes all the best to all of you for the future undertakings.
Good lucks and dont forget me. =p
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