The last page
Posted by -pei chia- | Labels: life | Posted On Sunday, April 11, 2010 at 9:38 PM
Woohoo~! I have completed my diploma successfully. 2 years of my diploma life in TARc is over within a blink of eyes. Time really flies with high speed. xD Lots of things happened in my college life but no matter what are them, i will keep all memories deeply in my heart. I would like to say im happy to know all of you. You, you, you, you and you~! Thanks for all of you appeared in my college life and brings alot of fun and happiness to me. M2 is my class for this 2 years in TARc. Although i don't have much memories of M2, but i still wanna thanks you all of being my classmates.
Catch up the last chance to take the following photos. =)
Catch up the last chance to take the following photos. =)

I'm from Penang TARc. ^^

Our college auditorium where we sit for our exam from the 1st sem till the last sem.

Here is the car park where i used to park my little green myvi.

Beh, Sooyeang, me, Keewah and Tatt. Knew them since sem2. =)

Mikael and me.

My class for this 2 years - M2.

Ka Khim, Ivyone and me.
Goodbye Penang. Im going to miss my Penang night life. The paradise beach, Tanjong Bungah night market, Farlim night market, Gurney Plaza, Jelutong burger, bento, Ali mamak stall, Subaidah and many many more. I definitely will miss all of you. =D
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